Saturday, December 8, 2007

They're Wining and Dining Me

As I'm sure most of my more faithful readers remember, when this blog started it was merely a facebook wall posting that I'd use to tell tales of what was going on with my job at KJR. Back when I was interning for David Locke, pushing paper for no pay and trying my ass off too avoid Too-Short in the hall way. One of my major regrets is that I wasn't smart enough to keep a blog back then, so I could not only look back and laugh about some of the funny stuff I used to have to do, but also so I could track my writing progress and see what I do that people like, and what I do that people hate. On the plus side, I can look back and pretend that I was a lot better than I was, with no proof otherwise. Anyway, I do like to get back to my roots from time to time and talk about what is going with my job, and let every body about the progress that is being made towards my total domination of the Seattle sports scene. Yes, I'm still at KJR, and no, I haven't been berated by any famous rappers lately. Here is an update on what is going in my KJR life.

Tonight I attended the UW Football "Season Ending Dinner" at the Sheridan Hotel in downtown Seattle. For the first time in my KJR career, which is 3.4 years old, I was invited to attend a dinner. I am quickly realizing that "dinners" are to the adult world what keggers where in high school. The coolest people will be there, it is hard to get invited to your first one, and after 30 minutes every one is drunk. I've been to hundreds of keggers, this was my very first dinner.

Just like your first kegger, there are things that you want to make sure you don't do -- "party fouls". You quickly learned that trying to poor from an unpumped keg made you look like an idiot, just as I learned that your napkin is the one on the left of your plate, not the right. I was quickly informed, by Leon my coworker who was seated next to me, that I had taken his napkin. And let me be the first to tell you, trying to refold a napkin into the shape of a swan is much harder than pretending to enjoy a keg cup full of foam.

There will be three forks. What you do with each of them is very important.

After the napkin disaster, I wanted to wait at least 5 minutes until I made a complete ass of myself again, so I waited to see what Leon did with his forks before I even thought about touching mine. So there I sat. Looking hungrily at my salad. On the brink of starvation because that bastard Leon had to go the bathroom. If I would've been smart I would have just looked across the table to see what everyone else was doing with their silver wear, but I was transfixed on following the code of etiquette set forth by Leon. He had guided me through my first mistake, and I was going to be damned if he didn't get me through my next.

He finally came back after what must have been one of the biggest shits ever taken at the Downtown Sheridan, and with that thought lingering in my head, I was finally able to eat. He sat down and effortlessly grabbed the fork that was on the far left of his plate, and without batting and eye, he dug right into his cesar salad. Like I said, he is a bastard.

After we finished our salads, and the main course had been delivered, the kegger similarities which had been to this point mostly metaphorical, began to become identical. Everyone's "too cool for school" attitude was thoroughly drenched in red wine, and any and all etiquette was thrown to the wind. Napkins were being used as bibs. Forks were every where. And the only party foul that was even possibly committable was not drinking. And being one to never want to commit a said "foul", I obliged. Drunkenness ensued. And as I was standing there shouting, the entire table of hammered KJR employees listening eagerly to my drunken story, I realized that life is just one big kegger. Everyone's nervous at first, but then you figure out how to pump the keg, and after that it just flows.

The night was a huge success. We had a great time. We got far too intoxicated. And I proved myself worthy of my next dinner invitation. There is nothing like the feeling you get when you realize that you have just taken a step into a world that for so long you could see, but couldn't touch. And with both keggers and dinners alike, that feeling can accurately be described as hungover.

Other random KJR Updates.

-I am now the full time producer of the "Northwest Wild Counrty Show." Saturday mornings, 6-8 am. It's a hunting and fishing show. I don't know anything about either of the two, so needless to say it isn't my favorite thing in the world. On the plus side I am a full time producer of a KJR show. Silver lining baby.

-I sometimes produce John Clayton's Show on Saturdays, as well as Dick Fain's show. These are far more fun for me, as they talk about sports that I care about.

-Starting in January I will be co-hosting a Sunday morning sports show, from 6-9 am, on KGRG. That is Green River Community Colleges radio station. My buddy Jarrett is the sports director there, and he and I will be hosting the show.

-We will also be calling all of the Green River home basketball games on KGRG. I'll be doing color commentary, and he said I can "clown". This may end badly.

-Last, and most importantly, the "Road to the BigTime" maybe taking it's next step forward very soon. My good pal Barry informed me the other day that "my blog needs a make over." With his help we maybe moving to a real url. No more blogspot. This means more options and ability to have more content. I hope to podcast all of the KGRG shows, so those of you who can't tune in (all of you) will still have the chance to listen if you want. We will have a better format so the picture stuff will look better. Plus a whole heap of new additions and segments. Stay tuned, we hope to start the renovation ASAP.

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