Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Game of the Millenium

Maybe it will be the greatest football game ever played. It has certainly gotten more coverage than any other regular season game I can think of. And rightfully so. Both teams are undefeated. Both teams are led by arguably the greatest quarterback of this generation, and they have combined to win 4 of the last 6 Super Bowls. And today, their already marvelous rivalry could potentially take it's place next to some of the greatest sports rivalries of all time. If today's game lives up to the hype, Colts-Pats will be along side the likes of the Lakers-Celtics of the 80's, the Yankees-Red Sox and Duke-North Carolina. If only Tom Brady and Peyton Manning hated eachother, we might have the greatest rivalry ever. Unfortunately they're both nice guys, so until now, this match up has seen some great games, but no extra drama. That will all change today. While Tom Brady maybe a gentlemen, his best reciever is a clown, and his coach is an ass hole. This is what has me so excited about the game. No matter how great the play will be, and it will be great, the addition of Randy Moss and the huge chip that Belichek has on his shoulder this year are going to add a new dimension to this rivalry. Feathers, that were previously neatly arranged, will be ruffled. Feelings, that were previously respected, will be hurt. And this rivalry, that was previously good, will now be great.

PREGAME PREDICTION: Pats by 10, 34-24. They're too good.

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