Sunday, March 9, 2008

Save Our Sonics, Call Your Legislator

PLEASE call your legislators if you have not already done so. The number is:


These calls really do have a huge impact. The fate of the Sonics may be decided in the next three days. I am sure you have read about the proposed Key Arena remodel. This deal is an absolute no-brainer and must be approved during the current legislative session. Please call your legislators and voice your approval. Here are some key talking points:

1) This is extremely time sensitive: Must be done before the NBA owners meeting (mid-April) to be effective

2) This is an unprecedented offer of private money that will support the Key Arena and Seattle Center as a whole

3) Even Critics of Arena spending are finding this to be a GOOD DEAL. This bill actually puts MORE money towards public programs in the long term because it finds specific revenue streams to make needed debt paydown and improvements to the Key Arena. If the Sonics leave these items will still need to be done and with no specific revenue streams allocated for them the improvement will have to come from the general fund.

4) The state CAN do this if they so choose. They will have to make an exception to the rule but have the ability if they want.

5) City funds will be collected via a user fee and NO state funds are required. The state is ONLY being asked to authorize King County to collect the funds from existing sources.

If you really want to make a difference the time is now. The reality is that Sonics can be saved, and sports fans like us are the key to getting this done. Save Our Sonics.

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